Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Copyright & Trademarks Notice
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The information on this Website is provided to you in good faith and it has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable and accurate. However the information of this website is not a substitute for independent professional advice. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content herein. All parties associated with this website disclaim liability to all persons or entities in relation to any action(s) taken on the basis of any loss or damage suffered in connection with the content. You should personally consult us to discuss your particular circumstances before entering into any transaction on the basis of the content provided on this website.
This website makes no recommendation, offer or invitation to invest
The content on this Website does not contain any recommendation, offer, or invitation to invest in securities or other financial products by any company or person. Any information or links to other financially related websites is general advice only and does not take into account your or any other person’s individual circumstances. You should always consult your usual accountant before making any investment decisions.
Links to other websites
We are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages that are linked to this Website. It is your responsibility to make your own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in websites linked to this website. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at your own risk. We do not endorse the views or recommendations provided by such linked sites. Such links are provided solely for your convenience and information. There are links from this website to www.profitisland.com. The services and information provided at www.profitisland.com are provided by and subject to Profit Island Pty Ltd’s conditions of use.
Our Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy. From time to time, you may choose to provide us with personal information. We will only use this information for the purpose of providing you with the service that you have requested. We will never sell, share, or disclose your personal information without your consent.
Access to the personal data we may hold about you
You can ask us (by sending us an email) whether we are keeping personal data about you. Upon request, we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, within a week. We may however require proof of your identity. We will provide the information without any charge. We allow you to challenge the data that we hold about you and where appropriate, you may have the data erased, rectified or amended. We do not reserve the right to refuse to provide you with a copy of your personal data.
Copyright & Trademarks Notice
The information on this website, is copyright 2013, Matrix Partners Pty Ltd and contributors. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and/or service marks are the sole property of their respective owners.