Luxury Car Tax limit for 2013/14

The luxury car tax threshold for the 2013/14 financial year has been indexed to $60,316 (up from $59,133 for the 2012/13 year) and is used to determine if luxury car tax is payable.

The fuel-efficient car limit for the 2013/14 financial year is $75,375 (unchanged from the 2012/13 year).

Luxury Car Tax limit for 2013/14 Sys Admin 2013-08-13T11:41:55+08:00

Budget 2013/14

The Government handed down the 2013/14 Budget on 14 May 2013. Most of the tax and superannuation measures had already been previously announced, but a few of the new measures include the following:

  • The government will defer the personal income tax cuts that were to commence from 1 July 2015 (i.e., […]
Budget 2013/14 Sys Admin 2018-02-07T11:43:11+08:00